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Australian National Security Agencies
(August 2024)

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Australia's national security landscape is complex. Various agencies are responsible for different aspects of intelligence gathering and analysis, law enforcement, border protection, defence, and emergency management. These agencies generally operate outside the public eye. They possess significant powers and are subject to carefully designed oversight and accountability.

To help understand the roles and responsibilities of these agencies and how they are supervised and regulated, this chart that summarizes the key information and provides links to more details.


You can download the chart here.

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Security of Critical Infrastructure Compliance Work flow
(June 2022)


The Security of Critical Infrastructure Act 2018 creates a regulatory framework for protection of critical Australian Infrastructure. The regulatory framework requires owners and controllers to report their interest to Home Affairs. Entities responsible for Critical Infrastructure Assets must report operational arrangements, cyber incidents and (when the rules are ready) must adopt and report regarding a Risk Management Program.


The Security of Critical Infrastructure Compliance Workflow summarizes the requirements of the Scheme. The  workflow does not include the rules for Systems of National Significance nor summarise the wide rang of regulatory powers which may be exercised in relation to responsible entities by the Department of Home Affairs. 

You can download the latest copy here.

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Australian Telecommunications Regulation Chart
(June 2023)

Image of Chart of Telecommunicaitons Regulation June 2023 v 2023.jpg

The Australian Telecommunications Regulation Chart provides an overview of the statutes, statutory instruments, rules, standards, codes and guidelines that regulate the Australian Telecommunications Industry.  The chart classifies different rules and consumer protection, operational or relating to national security and law enforcement. This classification is a matter of judgement or a view of the primary purpose in some cases.  The Chart  contains hyper links to the many of the clear primary  documents.


You can download the latest copy here.


If you notice any omissions or learn of any developments for inclusion in the next edition please email

Australian Cyber Security Infrastructure Chart
(June 2020)

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The Australian Cyber Security Infrastructure Chart aims to summarise publicly available information about key Commonwealth Government and related activities and programs relevant to Cyber Security in Australia at the date of publication. The intention is to create useful overview. The Chart has not been reviewed or approved by relevant agencies. Some judgement has been exercised in selecting content. The latest version is v 1.3 which now references  AEMO,  FIRB (due to the changes to threshold and new national security test under consultation), FS_ISAC, CyRise and some additions to APRA and ASIC. The Chart may contain some inaccuracies, errors or omissions. 


You can download the latest copy here.


If you notice any omissions or learn of any developments for inclusion in the next edition please email

Patrick Fair Associates is a business name of Technology Law Pty Limited (ABN: 44 003 792 809) an

incorporated Legal Practice conducted under the supervision of Patrick Fair as authorised Principal.

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